Time Card Overview-Service App

The technician's time card is accessible on the tablet through the Time Card card on the Home Screen. This is where the technician will review, add comments, and submit their daily time card. 

The current status of the technician and the time elapsed in that status appears in the Time Card card along with a start/stop and Summary button. 

The Start/Stop buttons allow the technician to change their current status from the Home Screen. When the technician taps on this button, they will be taken through the “What are you doing now?” prompts to identify what status they would like to transition to.

The Summary button allows the technician to see their time for the current day. In the Summary is also where they will submit their time cards as well.

At the end of the day, the technician should clock out for [End of Day].

Once the technician has clocked out for the day, they can review and submit their time card.  Press [Review and Submit].

Here is where the technician reviews and adds comments that they need to notify the back-office of (i.e., for this travel entry, I should have started work at this time). To learn more about time card comments, click here.

Technicians have the capability to seamlessly shift time card entries to an alternative work order. To initiate this process, navigate to the 'Home' screen, click on [Daily], and employ the 'transfer' button. Follow the ensuing prompts to specify the type of work order, subsequently select the relevant work order, and then confirm your intention to transfer the time card. NOTE: This does not allow the technician to change start and/or end times, this only allows them to transfer the actual entry.

If technician signature is required (configurable in Company Settings/Technician Capability, they will be required to sign the time card before they can submit it. Click here to learn about viewing time card history.

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