Commenting on Equipment Requests

When a request is received, users can comment on the request. These comments are sent to the technician as a notification within the Service app and stay specifically on the equipment request details page. 

Go to the specific Equipment Request details page by clicking on the assigned equipment request number or by selecting the 3 dots to the right corresponding to that request and clicking [Details]

Next the user can add comments to the request by selecting [Add Comment] within the Comments card, enter comments and click [Save]. 

Once comments are added, the technician will receive a notification within the Service app. From here the technician can [Ignore] or [View] the comment by selecting the action they wish to perform.

If the technician chooses to ignore the notification, they can always return to view it by going to their Notifications Center within the Service app home screen and clicking on the notification from there.

Once the technician reviews the comment, they can then add a comment back, add pictures if applicable and this will be added to the comments section within the equipment request being discussed. To do this, simply click the [+] button and add new comments. Click [Save].

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