Creating a Work Order

While HQ & the Service app will integrate with ERP business systems, it is also built to be stand alone and operate without a connection needed to a business system allowing work orders to be created for dispatch to the Service app from the HQ Dispatch board.

To create a work order:

  1. Navigate HQ>Service>Dispatch

  1. Select the create [+] icon in the top right of the dispatch screen.

  1. HQ users are then taken to the create work order screen. By default, HQ will auto-populate a work order number. This can be changed at this step or changed later, if desired. Enter the information needed for the new work order. Work orders created in the Service app (from web or app) can be synced with the integrated business system and the Synchronize button is used in this process. When the Synchronize box is checked, the Work Order No. field is locked and users can not edit it.
    1. TIP: The required fields have an * by them and must be filled in to create the work order. The required fields will appear red if not completed.
    2. TIP: A technician or multiple technicians can be assigned in the work order create process here or assigned later.
    3. NOTE: The minimums/maximums and rounding rules can be set at the work order level by expanding the Rate Settings section.

If a customer or location is unable to be located in the respective drop downs:

  1. Select the “Unable to Find? Create” button and the user will be directed to the Create Customer or Create Location” page and a Workflow Information process will begin. Fill out all information & Save on each screen.

  1. Once here, the user will create the customer or location, depending on which you would like to create. Once a location is made, the user will be directed to the “Create Equipment” page. Once the Equipment is made, the user will be directed back to the “Create Work Order” page to finish creating the work order. 

Once all information is entered, select the Save button at the bottom of the work order create screen.

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