Dispatch Map

Users are presented with a map with all of the technician’s location and status. Any time the technicians change their status they will be marked on the map. To see the map click on the map icon in the upper right corner.

By clicking on a tech tag, users will see the last known status of the technician, the time segment, and notes for that status. Users also have the ability to search for a specific technician by utilizing the Technician or User Group filter option. Note: Tinnacity only records the last known GPS coordinate from the last 8 hours. If the technicians don’t have a GPS coordinate, they will not be shown on the map.

A user can also map multiple work orders at once by selecting the Add Work Orders to Map button.

  1. To map multiple work orders, while in the Dispatch Map screen, select the Add Work Orders to Map button.

  1. Search for the work order you wish to add to the map, select the work order and then select Save

  1. You will notice the work order is now mapped. Note: Notice the difference in icons between a work order a Technician is assigned to/working/travelling and a work order mapped. In this example the Technician is clocked in and traveling to the location of this work order.

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