Reconciling or Synchronizing Work Orders for your business system

Work orders can be created directly by the technician on the app or back office administration in HQ. If you have a business system, these work orders need to be synchronized with your system's work order.

Business System Synch

  • Create the work order in your business system or retrieve the work order already created in your business system
  • Place the "TM" work order number into the designated reference field of your system.
    • Softbase: "Writer" field
    • Microsoft BC | Equipsoft Nav | Equipsoft BC: “Your Reference” field
    • EBS: "pmanref" (reference field)
  • Follow your system guidelines to send or update the work order from your business system to Tinnacity
  • Tinnacity will automatically link your business system work order to the Tinnacity "TM" work order and synchronize all information.
    • NOTE: If the work order is already completed in Tinnacity, the work order will automatically be rebuilt and synchronized with the business system with the updated work order number. 

NOTE: If any requests (quotes, parts, equipment) were received PRIOR to a work order creation in the client business system, back office personnel will have to manually notify other personnel of the new work order number in which to apply the request (i.e., parts request in which the parts department received notification for a TM # and need to now apply to a business system work order number). 

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