Minimums and Roundings Explanation

The Minimum Labor Time is applied on a per tech per day basis. The Labor Rounding Rules are applied this way as well. IF the Minimum Labor Time is set to 1 hour and labor that has NOT gone over the 1 hour threshold, it will be "rounded" to 1 hour to meet the minimum requirement. Once labor goes over the Minimum Labor Time (1 hour) threshold, the "Labor Rounding Rule" is applied. i.e. If the Labor Rounding Rule is set to 15 mins and tech has a total of 1 hour and 23 minutes for the day, their time will be rounded to 1 hour and 30 mins because it is rounding up to the nearest 15 min increment (15, 30, 45, 60 min). Again, the Minimum Labor Time is applied when the labor hours (totaled on a per tech per day basis) are less than what is in the Minimum Labor Time. If the labor hours are over this when the Labor Rounding Rules are applied. The same rules apply to travel.

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