Service History Overview

Select the relevant link to discover how to complete the respective task.

What is the purpose of the Service History?

What are the optional actions (icons) and their purpose?

How can I update flag status, rebuild, or download multiple rows at once?

How do I view deleted work orders?

How do I restore a Deleted Work Order?

How do I reopen a completed work order?


After a work order is finished, it is automatically archived in the Service > History page. The archived work orders are presented in a grid format, enabling users to swiftly search and filter them. Additionally, users have the option to access various actions for a completed work order via the three-dot menu located on the right, such as viewing details, downloading, rebuilding, and more.


To add or remove a filter(s), click the Filters icon. To export the data grid to a CVS, click the Download CSV icon. To add or remove columns, click the Manage Columns icon.

Multiple Rows Selection

To Update a flag status, rebuild, or download multiple work orders, click the Select Multiple Rows icon then select the respective work orders and action.

View Deleted Work Orders

Deleted work orders are accessible, along with information on the user and timestamp of deletion, via the 'Deleted Only' filter. NOTE: To add the Delete Data and Deleted By columns, use the 'Manage Columns' icon at the top, right corner.

Restore a Deleted Work Order

Work orders that have been deleted can be restored using the 'Restore Work Order' icon. This action will revert the work order to its 'Open' status and make it accessible in the Service/Dispatch section. NOTE: Only Admins and Account Owners can undelete work orders. 

Reopen a Completed Work Order

Work orders that have been completed can be reopened via the work order details within History.

  1. Go to Service/History. Locate the relevant work order, then click the three dots and choose 'Details'.

  2. With the work order details on display, click the three dots at the top, right corner then click 'Reopen'.

  3. The work order is now reopened and can be found in Service/Dispatch.

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