Location Contacts Overview

Click the appropriate link to directly access the relevant topic within this article.

What is the purpose of Location Contacts?

How do I create a location contact?

How do I delete a location contact?

How do I convert a location contact to a customer [portal] account?

How do I fix emails for a location contact that bounced or failed to send?

Capture Location Contacts

Each time a technician captures a customer's name with or without an email address, this information is saved to the customer location and can be selectable from the customer contact list.  This way the customer's name and email do not have to be entered each time but rather selected from the contact icon on the tablet.

Once activated the customer contact information will now be available for the technician to select. 

Thus, the technician does not have to enter the name or email address each time they get a work order signed. Simply select the appropriate customer contact.

Manually Create Location Contacts

Location Contacts can be created in HQ in Admin/Location Contacts or in Admin/Location. Creating these in HQ auto populates the Contact Card in the Service app that allows the customer or the technician to quickly select their name from the contact list, which then auto populates their name and email address (if applicable).

Create a Contact in Location Contacts

To create a Location Contact in HQ, follow these steps:

  1. In HQ, go to Admin/Location Contacts. Click the '+' sign to create a new contact.

  2. Select the Location where the person resides, enter first and last name, email address, phone number and select their respective language. TIP: To always send work order complete email, even if they aren't the person signing the completed work order, toggle ON 'Always Send Work order Complete Email'. You can also toggle ON to be the Contact for PO Numbers (this is informational only and signifies this is the contact for PO numbers. Click [Save].

  1. Once the Location Contact is created, within the details screen of that contact an HQ user can:
    1. Utilize the Notes card to add any internal notes about this contact that may be needed. Select Edit within the Notes card to add/edit/remove notes. NOTE: These are only viewable within HQ. Technicians & Customers will not see these notes.
    2. Add/Remove a contact's location associated to them. Select Remove to remove a location. Select Add Locations to add a location to the contact.

Create a Contact in Location

To create a Location Contact in HQ, follow these steps:

  1. In HQ, go to Admin/Locations. Locate and select the respective location name.

  2. In the Location Contacts card, click the '+' sign to create a new contact.

Delete a Location Contact

When a location contact is no longer active or needed, you must delete the location contact from Admin/Location Contacts. To delete a location contact follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Admin>Location Contacts. Locate the respective name, click the three vertical dots (aka: 'stop light'), then select 'Delete'.

Emails that have bounced or failed to send

When the customer signs the work order and opts to receive the completed PDF, they must provide their email address. If the email address is entered incorrectly, the PDF will not be sent. To ensure successful delivery, we recommend assigning someone within your company to receive email bounces. This allows them to promptly address any issues at HQ and update the Service app. Neglecting to correct these email errors may result in subsequent failures when the customer selects their name from the contact list for future work orders.

To correct the email address, follow these steps:

  1. In HQ, go to Admin/Location Contacts. In the Search filter type the person's first or last name. TIP: If you do not see the Search filter, click the filter icon at the top, right corner to enable.

  2. Locate the respective name and click the three vertical dots, then click 'Edit'.

  3. Correct the email address then click [Save].

Resend Completed Work Order PDF

Since the customer did not receive the original completed PDF due to email address being entered incorrectly, you have to download the PDF and then send from your email. To download the PDF, follow these steps:

  1. In Dispatch/History, locate the respective work order then click the three vertical dots and select 'Download'. NOTE: The PDF is saved to your 'Downloads' folder on your computer.

Convert Location Contact to Customer Account

Effortlessly invite a location contact to your customer portal using the [Invite to Customer Portal] feature within HQ>Admin>Location Contacts. REQUIREMENTS: You must have an active Tinnacity Customer Portal, and the contact must have a valid email address.

  1. Navigate HQ>Admin>Location Contacts.
  2. Locate and select the relevant contact name. TIP: Enable the 'Customer Portal User' column & filter to help narrow down your location contact list of who has been sent an invite and who has not. If NO is selected in the filter, you will see the Invite to Customer Portal button option within the details screen of the location contact.
  3. Click [Invite to Customer Portal].

  1. Once the process is complete, the location contact will be converted into a user in HQ with the assigned role of 'Customer.' Your customer will then receive a 'Welcome' email, prompting them to activate their account and set their password.

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