Equipment PM Programs

The equipment PM program feature allows you to assign equipment to a planned maintenance program and manage the program through its life-cycle. Programs are based on the days since the last maintenance was performed. This will allow you to quickly identify when maintenance is due so you can generate a work order. For convenience, we allow multiple PM Programs to be created at once. However, each piece of equipment will have its own program once finished.

Creating Equipment PM Programs 

  1. Within the Admin panel, select "Equipment PM Programs" then select the “+” button in the top right of the page
  2. You will then need to complete four steps, first is "Program Details", second is "Contract Details" (optional), third is "Equipment" and the fourth is "Parts" (optional).
  3. In the
    1. Define a "Program Name". You can provide a name or copy an existing program from the drop-down and adjust the name.
    2. Describe your program in the "Program Description"
    3. Define the number of days for this program in the "Program Days" (number of days you would like the program to reoccur). 
    4. Describe the "Default Work Order Description" (the default description each time a work order is generated for this program). 
    5. Select a "Checklist" (the default checklist that will be used on every piece of equipment for this program. The checklist can be changed in the "Equipment" section as needed).
    6. Select the Bill to Customer
    7. Toggle the Active switch on the bottom left of screen to activate the PM program.
  4. In the Contract Details (optional). This step includes additional information that can be included in the program. The contract information may be useful for tracking a customer and/or contract when they have signed onto the program. This information is optional and has no effect on the program life cycle (i.e., you will still need to manually disable the program even if the contract end date has expired). Similar to Program Details, you have the ability to choose an existing contract number or enter a completely new one. After you have entered the Contract Number you can add  Contract Start/End Dates and also add a Contract Contact.
  5. Equipment association
    1. Find the equipment that needs to be assigned to this program by filtering on the customer location. 
    2. Add the equipment individually by selecting the equipment then click [Add Selected] or clicking the [Add all available] button to add all equipment available at that location. 
    3. Once your equipment is added you have the ability to change and set:
      1. Program days (i.e., you want pallet jacks every 120 days, but Reach Trucks every 90 days)
      2. Checklist for that specific equipment.
      3. Specify the last PM completion date (i.e., you completed a PM last month prior to using Tinnacity and you want to schedule the next PM due date off this date).
      4. Specify the next PM completion date (i.e., you want to start tomorrow and then program the routine from that starting date).

        NOTE: if neither last or next PM completion date are specified in the program. The next due date will be established based upon the current date (i.e., If current date is May 14 on a 90 day program, the next PM due date will be August 11)

  6. Add Parts (optional). Select parts that will be assigned to these pieces of equipment. Once assigned, these parts will be added to the work order every time the PM Program generates. 

Generating Work Orders

The Equipment PM Program will indicate that work is due. However, it will not automatically generate work orders (this is intended due to technician identification and customer schedule availability). 

  • Manually generate work orders by first filtering your programs to find the equipment in which maintenance is due. 
  • Click checkbox (select all) in the top right corner next to the create button. Then select multiple programs by clicking the boxes to the left of the program names (individual equipment) or click the top box (in the header) to select all. 
  • Click Generate
    • Selecting a resource, the work order(s) selected will be dispatched to the technician. 
    • Not selecting a resource will generate work orders and stage them to the “NEW” column on the dispatch board. There you can assign resources to individual work orders when the resource is identified. 
    • Within this same screen, you can also select programs and [Add Part], [Update Program Days] and [Update Default Assigned Technician].
  • NOTE:  if there is currently a work order generated for a PM program, it will not create another one.

Equipment Program Details

To view the details of your program, click on the 3 dots adjacent to the program on the right side> select [Details]. 

  • Delete or deactivate the equipment PM program by clicking the 3 dots next to the edit button in the top right corner. Note: When you deactivate a program it makes the program inactive but still available to be activated at a later time. If you decide to deactivate a program, it erases the "Next Due Date". When you activate a program, it sets the "Next Due Date" to X days from the last completed PM for that program. If deleting a program, the program will no longer be available.
  • View customer and equipment details
  • View contract details
  • View program details
  • Modify last and next pm due dates.
  • Generate & Dispatch work order. Simply click the "Generate" button on this page and then select a resource if wanting to dispatch.

Filter Information

  • Next Due Date and Next End Date: Filter equipment that have generated a due date within that date range. (i.e., Next Due Date= 8/2/21, Next End Date= 8/6/21 Filters all of the programs between and including those two dates). NOTE: The Next Due Date is based on the date the PM was last completed.
  • Has Next Work Order: Equipment that have a work order generated (on the dispatch board)
  • Active: Provides a list of all programs that are active and inactive

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