Service Schedule overview

Click the appropriate link to directly access the relevant topic within this article:

What is the Service Schedule?

How do I schedule and prioritize my technician's day?

How does the technician view their schedule in the Service app?

How do I unschedule a work order or change the scheduled date?

How do I toggle to/from Calendar/Table View?

Service Schedule

In HQ>Service>Schedule you can schedule a service technician's daily activities & prioritize customer visits by order of importance which can help maximize resources. This approach can help minimize delays, streamline workflows, and also empowers your team to provide a high level of service that aligns with customer expectations. Work Orders can be scheduled by an individual day or over multiple days.

Within the Schedule screen, the calendar features an 'Unscheduled' section that presents work orders without a scheduled date. It also allows you to see when upcoming work orders are scheduled. NOTE: By default, these work orders will be presented in a calendar format with the ability to look at a specific day, week, or month. You have the ability to change the calendar view format into a table format for easier viewing of multiple work orders at once. TIP: Schedule month view shows previous & next month dates to previous Sunday & next Saturday

There are a few additional options that you can use such as ‘Table View’ (toggle to a table view instead of calendar view) and the ‘Filters’ icon which allows a user to add/remove filters based on their preference. NOTE: The + sign allows you to create a WO, it is recommended that you continue creating your WOs in your business system.

It is highly recommended that you enable a few filters, such as Work Order Type (maybe you want to schedule your PMs for the day), the location (maybe you want to schedule which order to do first per location), and by Technician (to schedule each tech’s day). TIP: enabling the filter Status Groups will help you to view All Work Orders, Completed Work Orders or both. By default only open work orders will display. Utilize the Status Group filter(s) mentioned above to see both All & Completed. Clearing out the Status Group Filter will default back to open work orders.


To schedule your technician’s day, enable the Technician filter & select a technician. The Unscheduled and Calendar is filtered based on your selection.

You can initiate scheduling by simply clicking and dragging the relevant work order from the 'Unscheduled' bar to your preferred date on the calendar, this will automatically add the 'Scheduled Date' to the work order.

Priority Feature

After successfully scheduling a technician's day, you can employ the 'Priority' feature to designate the order of work completion.

  1. Select the [Priority] button, the Priority screen is now on display. Select the Respective Date and Technician.

TIP: use numbers such as 5, 10, 15, maintaining a gap between them. This accounts for potential emergency calls throughout the day and the possibility of scheduling between tasks. Remember, the lower the assigned number, the higher the priority of the task. Enter the priority for each work order, then click [Save].

Viewable by Technician

The technician can sort their work in progress (WIP) by 'Priority' and Group by 'Schedule Date' in the Service app. While in the WIP screen:

  1. Press the 'Sort' view option button, which will pull up the 'View Options' list
  2. Select the view option [Sort:]. Select 'Priority'.
  3. Next, press [Group By], select 'Schedule Date'.

The WIP will then sort by priority and group by the Schedule Date.

Unschedule or Change Scheduled Date

To unschedule a work order:

  1. Locate the date the work order is currently scheduled for and click on one of the dot(s) displayed. TIP: Use Filter options to narrow down by Technician, Bill To Customer, etc

  1. The list of scheduled work orders for that date will be displayed, select the work order you wish to unschedule.

  1. The next screen will prompt the HQ user to Update the Schedule Date. To Unschedule, simply select the Unschedule button. NOTE: The HQ user can select a new date range by clicking on the calendar icon (select one date or schedule multiple dates) OR they can select Today to change the date to the current date. TIP: Clicking Details will take the HQ user to the Work Order Details screen.

NOTE: If the HQ user selects the Details button in the previous screen, within the Work Order details screen the HQ User can click the 'Pencil' icon next to Schedule Date and change here.

To change the schedule date, follow the same steps mentioned above & click the calendar icon and select the desired date or date range. Once the date is ready, select Save to change the date

Table View

To toggle from Calendar view to Table View, select the Table icon in the top right of the screen

In Table View, there are few more features to help you manage your work orders. The ‘multiple select’ box allows you to add or remove technicians to multiple work orders at a time or bulk update the schedule date on multiple work orders .

Within Table View, to update the Schedule Date on an individual work order, simply select the 3 dots to the right of the Work Order and select Update Schedule Date, which will then bring up the Update Schedule Date screen as shown previously.

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