Reopening Work Order

A work order can be reopened if it is completed and needs to be reopened. Reopening a work order will move the work order back to a paused status and put the work order back on the user’s tablet.

Steps to Reopen

Find the work order in Service History → Go to work order details →  click the three dots on the top right side → click the “Reopen” button in the drop-down menu → this will open the “Reopen” confirmation pop up. Once confirmed the work order will be reopened.  NOTE: This will delete the signature and PDF therefore the user will have to get it signed again and a new PDF will be generated.


If you use Softbase, for the integration to detect new changes on the work order that was reopened, you must do the following:

  1. Un-check "Paperwork Turned In"
  2. Clear out the "Completed Date".

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