Shipping Dock

If your company has purchased Tinnacity's Shipping app, the Shipping tab will be available at the top of HQ.

The shipping dock is used to schedule shipments so that they can be completed. To schedule a shipment drag a shipment from the "Unscheduled" column on the left hand side to the date you want it on the calendar. If you would like to move it after you have already put it on the calendar, click and drag it to the day you would like it on.

You can also create an entirely new shipment if you click on the "Create" button in the upper right hand corner and then fill out all of the required fields. If you would like to view the details of your shipment you can either click on the shipment directly on the calendar, or if you are in table view, click on the 3 dots to the right of your shipment. Once you are in the "Details" page you have the ability to edit your shipment, if needed. You can edit/add to most of your shipment directly on the "Details" page but if you need to edit other things like pick-up or delivery details you will need to hit the green "Edit" button in the upper right hand corner to do that. 

You also have the ability to make shipments priority over others. To do this, click on the "Priority" button within the Status card of the details screen. After you have clicked on it and the pop up appears you will need to select a date and a driver. Once you have selected the driver all their deliveries for that date will appear and you will then have the opportunity to rank the deliveries for your driver(Lower numbers are shown first to the driver).  NOTE: In order for the "Priority" to work, the driver that you have selected must have multiple deliveries on the date that you selected. Additionally, the driver will ONLY see shipments for the current day and the following day on the Shipping app. You can continue to schedule out days ahead of this timeframe and when those days approach, they will show on the driver's shipping app WIP.

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