Softbase Technician Setup

When dispatching work orders, Tinnacity will look at the technician the work order is being dispatched to. Depending on whether or not the technician is set up correctly determines if the work order is dispatched to Tinnacity.

This information is important otherwise work orders will not dispatch.

Tinnacity Settings

1 additional field needs to be set on Tinnacity:

  • Dispatch Reference No - this will match the Service Van and Dispatch Name (in Softbase).

Softbase Settings

2 fields need to be set on the Personnel record and 1 field needs to be set on the Security record in Softbase:

  • Service Van - this will match the Dispatch Name (in Softbase) and Dispatch Reference No (in Tinnacity)
  • Extension > Listed? - this needs to be checked ON.
  • Dispatch Name - this will match the Service Van (in Softbase) and Dispatch Reference No (in Tinnacity)

Steps to set Service Van and Listed in Softbase

  1. Navigate to the Softbase Admin menu and click "Personnel".
  2. Search for the specific person using the search functionality.

  3. After selecting the person, in the General tab, you will find the Service Van and Listed fields, confirm a Service Van is listed and 'Listed' checkbox is checked. 
  4. You will also need to make sure that 'Mechanic' and 'Active Employee' is checked. TIP: If the employee is no longer active, please ensure this box is deselected.
  5. Click Update once done to save changes.

Steps to set Dispatch Name in Softbase

  1. Navigate to the Softbase Admin menu and click "Security".
  2. Pull up the employee using the Employee # field and click the ... button. Or use the search functionality.
  3. In the Internet tab, enter the Dispatch Name field the exact same as the Service Van entered in the Personnel record.
  4. Click Update once done to save changes.

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