Updating the Softbase Header

Important: this document applies only to Softbase version 2.x. If you are on Softbase 3.x, this no longer applies as the header is automatically updated.

In order to push part and equipment changes to Tinnacity, the "Changed By" date of the work order in Sofbase must be updated in order for Tinnacity to recognize the change. This is accomplished by Updating the Header. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove the Ship To Customer # and re-type it in.
  2. The main Save button will now be available to click.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. The Changed By timestamp will now be updated. This is found in top right under "Open Document".

Alternative Method

Rather than removing/adding the Ship To #, if the refresh icon is found below (in newer versions of Softbase), then you can click Refresh and then click Save. The Changed By timestamp should be updated.

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