User Utilization Flag Rules


User Utilization Flag Rules provide you the ability to flag user utilization records based on rules that your company has set up. By having these rules, you will be able to quickly audit and analyze people that had an "out of the norm" day. The back office can then audit these days to make sure your operations are running as you'd expect. Obviously, this isn't guaranteed to catch everything, but can definitely save time!

Here are a few examples:

  • Clock time >/= X hours- Flag a person's day when they clock more than X hours in their day
  • Commute-End of Day - Flag a person's day when no end of the day commute was captured
  • Commute-Start of Day - Flag a person's day when no start of the day commute is captured
  • Labor Time >/= X hours-Flag a person's day if they have clock time greater than X hours
  • Lunch </= X hours - Flag a person who has Lunch Time less than or equal to X hours
  • Standby - Flag a person's day when they have any standby greater than or equal to X hours

How to Create Flag Rules

To create Flag Rules, navigate HQ>Reporting>User Utilization and click on the Flag icon (View/Manage User Utilization Flag Rules) in the top right of the screen

  1. Click on the + icon (Create)

  1. Within the create screen, enter the following information:
    1. Flag Rule Name
    2. Flag Color
    3. Rule Type: select from the list available in the Rule Type dropdown
    4. Rule Hours: enter the X amount of hours to flag
    5. Date to Start Flagging: enter the date to start flagging the rule TIP: to retroactively flag previous records, set the date in the past, set the date in the future to flag records going froward

  1. Once all the fields are filled out, select Run Preview. Run Preview helps you ensure the rule does not flag too many records. This must be done before saving.

You will then see a flagging percentage listed to let you know how many records will be flagged. NOTE: We do not recommend creating a flag rule that matches greater than 10%. If the percentage is greater than 10%, adjust your dates and click Run Preview again. If you still want to create the rule even if the percentage is greater than 10%, select Accept Preview and then select Save and the Flag Rule is now created.

Editing Flag Rules

To edit a Flag Rule, click on the 3 dots adjacent to the rule and select Edit. NOTE: We only allow the flag name and color to be changed. If the flag type or value (hours) needs to be changed, it is best to create a new flag and then delete the existing flag. The reason we do this is to avoid confusion with "re-flagging" of old records.

When does a user utilization record get flagged?

There are a couple of nuances about when flags are checked against a user utilization record.

User utilization records are built when there are changes for that user's day. These records are built at most once per hour.

When the record is built, we check flags if the following conditions are met:

  • Does the flag rule apply for this record's date? 
    • If the flag rule was set to start on August 1st and today is July 20th, the rule is ignored.
    • If the flag rule was set to start on August 1st and today is August 3rd, the rule will be checked against the record.
  • Is the record at the end of the day? 
    • If the person has not clocked out for "end of the day", we do not check any flags.
    • This prevents unnecessary flagging and "false positives" throughout the current working day. For example, if a rule was set to check for "Clock Time is less than or equal to 7 hours"

Finding records that have been flagged

When viewing the User Utilization page, the leftmost column will show flags for the record. There are several filters that can be used as well: Start/End Date, Person, User Group, Flag and Has Been Reviewed. Flag filter will show all records that have been flagged with the selected flag rule. Has Been Reviewed will filter for records that have or have not been reviewed.

The screenshot below shows the flag column on the left and the flag filter being used.

Hovering over the flag will show you the name of the flag.

Below is a screenshot of the Has Been Reviewed filter.

Reviewing flags

To mark the flag as Has Been Reviewed, go to the detail of the record by clicking the 3 dots menu to the right of the record and then select Details.

The detail page will show all details about the user utilization record along with the flags. From the same 3 dots menu, an HQ user can go directly to the individual time card, or even review time card comments relating to the flag rule. The HQ user can also simply click on the View Individual Time Card to see that time card information.

The flag rule cards will be on the right side with information about the flag. Click Mark as Reviewed to add a comment and then the flag will be marked as reviewed.

Why should I review the flag?

This is for organizational purposes. If flags are marked as reviewed, it will be easier to audit and analyze user utilization records that have not yet been reviewed. If done properly, it will be easier to set a cadence to review any new records that have not yet been reviewed.

Flags on the Individual Time Card

When viewing the Individual Time Card, flags will automatically get pulled in for that day and will be shown at the top. The flags can be clicked on and it will take you to the User Utilization detail page.

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