Mass assign a checklist to multiple Models

To mass assign a checklist to multiple models follow the steps below:

  1.  In HQ, go to Admin/Models. Click the Filter icon, enable Has Checklist.

  2. Set the (A) 'Has Checklist' filter to 'No.' Use the additional filters, such as Make, Model, or Search, to enter the relevant criteria and refine the data table. Then, click the (B) 'Select Multiple Rows' icon in the upper-right corner.

  3. Select the respective models, then click [Update Checklist].  TIP: Clicking the column header checkbox will select all models on the current page, changing the number per page to view to 100 will allow you to update more at one time.

  4. Select the checklist, then click [Save]. NOTE: Repeat Steps 2-4 until all models have a checklist assigned.

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