Cannot Add Parts to a Work Order

If a Technician cannot add parts within a work order or is unable to add, troubleshoot via below to determine why.

Within the work order details, the plus (+) sign is no longer available to add parts to a work order. 

The reason is because the technician's part location does not have any parts assigned to the respective location. To determine if this is the case, follow the below steps:

  1. In HQ, go to Admin/Users.  Locate and select the respective user. Write down the assigned part location(s).
  2. Go to Admin/Parts Locations. Search for the respective part location, does the # of Parts read 0?  If so, continue to Step 3 to resolve.
  3. To resolve the above issue, parts must be added to the Part Location.  If integrated with a business system, confirm parts are added in this location.  The parts agent will need to run, typically this runs daily between 5-7AM. In the Service IT app, parts are loaded when the technician CLOCKS IN the app. If not integrated with a business system, continue to Step 4.
  4. Go to Admin/Parts, click the + sign to create the part - assign the part to the respective location and [Save].
  5. The technician must clock out and CLOCK IN again in the Service IT app before the part(s) will be loaded and the + sign will be available for the technician to add part(s) to the WO.

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