Third Party Driver

If a third-party driver (or company) will be used, they may not want to utilize the Tinnacity Ship app. A third-party driver account can be created, using a unique email address. This allows your back-office to manually 'complete the shipment' in HQ. 

Before this can be completed, a 'Third-Party Driver' user must be created,  then assigned to the respective Shipping Ticket

Creating the Third-Party Driver User Role

To create a third-party driver user role, follow the below steps:

  1. In HQ, go to Admin>Users then click the + sign to create a new user.

  1. Enter the required (*) user details, from the 'Role' dropdown select Third-party Driver then click [Save]. NOTE:  A Third-Party Driver user does not get the 'Welcome/activation' email like 'Driver' accounts do because they will not be using the Shipping app.

Create a Third-Party Shipping Ticket

Now that the Third-party Driver user is created, they can be assigned to shipping tickets. Creating a Third-Party shipping ticket is done the same way as creating any other shipment. The only difference is who you are assigning the shipment to, the Third-Party Driver. 

Close a Third-Party Driver Shipping Ticket

Once the driver is assigned a shipping ticket, the shipping ticket can be completed in HQ by your back office.  Follow the below steps to close a third-party driver shipping ticket:

  1. In HQ>Shipping, within the Shipping Doc locate and click the respective shipping ticket.

  1. Click the location marker next to Complete the Shipment.

  1. The Pick Up and Delivery Dates default to today's date, click the calendar icon to change the date(s), add the required comment then click [Save].

  1. The Comment is automatically added as the 'At Pick Up and At Delivery' comments.

  1. Attachments (i.e. shipping receipt from the third-party driver) can be uploaded to the shipping ticket by clicking [Upload].

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