Customize Service App Colors

The Service app colors can be customized to match your company branding. This feature can be enabled for technicians or by the individual technician.

Configure Custom Colors

  1. In HQ, click on your name in the top right corner. Select Company Settings. NOTE: Only HQ users with the role of Account Owner can access Company Settings

  2. Select Service Settings and scroll down to App Settings. Tip: If you know your RGB Hex #, enter in the Primary and Secondary number fields.  If you do not, you can use the color slider to select a color.

Enable for All Technicians

If you want all tablets to use these custom colors, enable 'Use Service App Colors' by toggling on then select Save at the bottom of the screen.

If you want to enable the Service App custom colors by technician, you must configure the custom colors but do not enable 'Use Service App Colors' in the Service Settings screen. Then do the following:

  1. In HQ>Admin>Users:  Locate the respective technician's name, then click the three vertical dots and select Edit.

  2. Scroll down to Technician Capability, select Yes for 'Use Service App Colors', then click Save.

The Service app will now use the configured Service colors.  NOTEIf the Technician was logged into the app when the changes were made, they will need to log out and back in before the changes will take affect.

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