Location Search

To view all open work orders, request/create a WO, or to request a quote for a specific location or to request a work order to be assigned to yourself, follow the below steps:

From the Home screen, press [Search].

Press [Location].

In the View section, press Open Work Orders. TIP: You can also request/create a work order (depending on your company settings), request/create a quote (depending on your company settings), and submit a sales lead.

All open work orders for the respective location are now on display.  To request the work order to be assigned to the logged in technician, press [Request]. A notification will be sent to the back-office that the technician requested the work order to be assigned to them.  The back-office can then decide to assign the work order to the technician or not.  If the work order is assigned, the technician will receive a notification that the work order has been assigned to them.


You can also access the open work orders screen from within the Work Order Details screen by pressing [View Details] button in the Location card section.

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