Active Warranty

What is Active Warranty?

Active Warranty means that the equipment has an active warranty. This is set on the work order at the time of dispatch. 

It does not mean that the work order is necessarily covered under warranty.

Viewing Active Warranty in the Service app

This feature is available in v2.29 and later. Within the Service app, the technician will see the Active Warranty status when viewing a work order

The technician will also see this when viewing equipment details in the app.

Active Warranty in Service iT

Viewing Active Warranty in HQ

In the HQ, you can see the status on the work order as well.

Active Warranty in HQHow do I set up Active Warranty?

By default, all pieces of equipment are set to Unknown. This is to avoid displaying incorrect information to the technician.

For Connect iT customers integrated with eBS, the active warranty status will flow through automatically based on the POSSIBLE WARRANTY on the problem description line 3 when dispatching work orders. When found, POSSIBLE WARRANTY will be removed from the problem description so that your customers do not see this, avoiding confusion.

For Connect iT customer integrated with EquipSoft BC, active warranty status will flow automatically in 2 separate ways. When work orders are dispatched, the Active Warranties from the Service Line will flow through. During nightly equipment sync, Active Warranties will automatically sync to Tinnacity.

For all other systems, the equipment can be manually set up as Active Warranty within Admin > Equipment.

Admin> Equipment

Ability to update active warranty to multiple pieces of equipment at once.

To update multiple pieces of equipment at one time follow the steps below:

  1. In HQ, within Admin>Equipment, click on the Select Multiple Rows icon in the top right

  1. The equipment displayed will then have a box to the left of each piece of equipment. Simply select all the pieces of equipment you'd like to update the active warranty on by clicking on the corresponding box for each piece of equipment. Next select the Update Active Warranty button choose between Yes, No, or Unknown. Then click Save.

Tip: If ALL equipment is to be updated, click on the box at the very top of the equipment list. This will select ALL pieces of equipment. Click Update Active Warranty and choose from the options, click Save.

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