Time Cards Overview

As technicians log time throughout the day, the time cards will update and display what the technicians are currently working on. To look at a technician’s time card, select their name in the Person drop down and select the desired date. The day’s totals will be displayed at the top of the page and if the technician is working, the time will be actively updated. 

The time is listed in a grid with the oldest time being displayed at the bottom and the most recent entries at the top. In order to view all of the timestamps, the user must scroll up and down in the table. The “Status” column represents what the time was for and the “Notes” column displays the work order or the reason for a Clock Out. As long as the technician has a good wifi or cell signal, whenever the status is changed on the work order the GPS coordinates will be displayed on the timecard in the back office. 

NOTE: The labor/travel entries for work orders can be different than the labor/travel applied to time cards. The time card is recording the actual time while the work order is applying minimums and roundings. Also, changing the time on a work order does NOT change the time on the time card and vice versa.

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