
Within TICS, the Documents section will display documents that are ready for review/failed, ready to be processed, documents processing now, and those that are done.  

When the documents are in the ‘Review’ column and have a ‘Red’ bar on the left side of the document card, this represents an error that must be addressed as the document cannot be processed. 

If the document card’s left side is Green, the document is ready and will automatically be moved to the ‘Ready’ column once the agent job runs. The agent job runs three times a day, if you wish to manually move the approved document to the Ready column you can do so by clicking the three vertical dots and selecting ‘Move to Ready’.

To determine what fixes are required for failed (Red) documents, go into the document details.  The Red banner will display the errors found.  TIP:You can fix the errors directly in TICS (click [Edit]) or fix the errors in your ERP.

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