Dashboard - Technician Utilization

To view Technician Utilization, navigate HQ>Click on the Tinnacity logo in the upper left side of the screen>Technician Utilization

Technician Utilization: Displays Total Gain Time (the amount of time that the person gained for the data. This is one of the most important metrics we capture. Calculated as Paid Hour - Billed Hours = Gain Hours), Total Billed: Customer & Administrative (the total amount of customer and administrative work order hours), Total Labor: the billed labor hours applied to customer work orders. This value is after rates settings are applied (rounding, minimum hours, maximum hours, and flat-rate), and Standby Time: non-billable time, includes the time from Standby and Clocked In for the current and previous months. As well as totals for Top 5 People with selectable metrics and date range, Bottom 5 People with selectable metrics and date range and graph with selectable metrics and date range. 2 additional cards display Customer billed this month v. last month and Administrative (non-billable work orders) this month v. last month.

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