
Tinnacity’s Customer Portal’s purpose is to maintain, extend and increase the value between you the Dealer and your Customer.  

There are several areas in HQ that you, the Dealer, must enable ‘Customer Visible’ to allow your customers to view certain requests, comments, attachments, etc and set each piece of equipment’s status to either customer or company owned.  

You must also confirm that the customer’s user account has access to their respective location(s). As well as, if not already configured, customizing your customer portal to use your company branding within your company settings.  

For the Dealer, the Quote Requests can be found in your Tinnacity’s HQ under Service/Quotes and allows you to view the details of the request (i.e. quote description, attachments if applicable, etc.), and to send a comment to your customer (i.e. A customer may comment asking for the status of this request and you can comment back with an update). You would then use this request to create the respective quote.

In HQ, the Quote Requests includes a Status field that indicates the current status of the request, specifying whether the request is Pending, Request Received, In Process, In Process - Ready for Parts Review, In Process - Parts Review, In Process - Ready for Service Review, Customer Approval Needed, Change Requested, Approved, Parts Ordered, Parts Partially Received, Completed, Denied, Customer Denied, or Canceled.  It is important to keep these updated so that your customer knows the status of their request.

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