Gain Report

The purpose of this report is to allow the user to see the amount of paid resource time versus the billing time. This report can also allow the user to see the amount of time gained from the rounding rules. There are a few ways this report can be found:

-An HQ user can sign up to receive the Gain Report daily. To receive this report daily navigate HQ>Admin>Users: locate the user you wish to receive the report, click edit on the HQ user and at the bottom of the screen in the Service Reports card select Daily Gain Report and Save. NOTE: With this version of the Gain Report, it is run once per day and will not be captured from previous day.

-In HQ, navigate to Reporting>Reports. From this screen you can filter by Report Start/End Dates and Report Type. Once your filters are set, click on the 3 dots to the right of the report name and select Download. You can then view the information within the report. NOTE: This version of the report runs based on the dates & times specified, but provides the same info as the daily gain report.

Columns within the Gain Report & their meanings:

  1. Date - The date in which the time entries were recorded. 
  2. Person - The mobile user.  
  3. Clocked - Labor Hours - The total labor hours from the mobile user’s time card. 
  4. Total Billed Hours- The total amount of billed hours
  5. Gain Hours- The total amount of gain
  6. Total Customer Billed Hours - The total of all the rounded hours that were applied to a Customer work order.
  7. Total Administrative Hours - The total rounded hours that were applied to an Administrative work order. This is calculated by adding rounded Administrative Travel hours and the rounded Administrative Labor hours. 
  8. Total Standby Hours- The total amount of Standby recorded during date period
  9. Customer Bill (Labor Hours - Rounded) - The total rounded labor hours that were applied to a Customer work order. The numbers are rounded off the Adjusted Labor hours. 
  10. Customer Bill (Labor Hours - Adjusted) - The total adjusted labor hours that were applied to a Customer work order. If the Actual Labor time entry was changed by a user, this column will display the new value. If the Actual Labor time was not changed, then this will display the same value as the “Customer Bill (Labor Hours - Actual)”.
  11. Customer Bill (Labor Hours - Actual) - The total actual labor hours that were applied to a Customer work order. 
  12. Customer Bill (Travel Hours - Rounded) - The total rounded travel hours that were applied to a Customer work order. The numbers are rounded off the Adjusted Travel hours. 
  13. Customer Bill (Travel Hours - Adjusted) - The total adjusted travel hours that were applied to a Customer work order. If the Actual Travel time entry was changed by a user, this column will display the new value. If the Actual Travel time was not changed, then this will display the same value as the “Customer Bill (Travel Hours - Actual)”.
  14. Customer Bill (Travel Hours - Actual) - The total actual travel hours that were applied to a Customer work order. 
  15. Administrative (Labor Hours - Rounded) - The total rounded labor hours that were applied to an Administrative work order. The numbers are rounded off the Adjusted Labor hours. 
  16. Administrative (Labor Hours - Actual) - The total actual labor hours that were applied to an Administrative work order. 
  17. Administrative (Travel Hours - Rounded) - The total rounded travel hours that were applied to an Administrative work order. The numbers are rounded off the Adjusted Travel hours.
  18. Administrative (Travel Hours - Actual) - The total actual travel hours that were applied to an Administrative work order. 

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