Codes - Service App

Codes can be used for a variety of reasons, but commonly referred to "Job Codes" or "Repair Codes" or "Component Codes" in the industry. These codes can be specific error/diagnostic codes or simply an additional tool to help describe a Cause and the Correction.

Note: Available codes for both Cause & Correction are administered in HQ.

Cause: what the technician found as to be the cause or the reason of service being needed. Correction: the action or the service performed to correct the issue or reason of service.

To add a Code to a work order within the Service app:

  1. Select the work order to add the code to within the WIP screen
  2. Within the Work Order Details screen, on the bottom right will be a Codes card. Press the [+] button:

  1. The Technician will then be prompted to select Cause or Correction, select the appropriate type of code:

  1. The Technician will then be supplied with a list of available codes respective to Cause or Correction. Select the code desired and click [Add]. Note: the Technician can also search by code, description or group by using the search bar at the top of the screen.

  1. Selected code(s) will then appear within the Codes card on the Work Order Details screen.

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