Check In/Out IVR Settings (Interactive Voice Response)

If one of your customers requires IVR procedures at their site, the Service app can be configured to prompt for IVR procedures before starting and stopping work. You can tailor IVR settings within HQ. When enabled, your technicians can not begin work or end work without answering the IVR questions. Note: This setting does not replace your customers procedures for IVR, nor interact with your customer's IVR.

  1. HQ>Admin>Locations: select the location you want, click the 3 dots to the right & select Edit

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Details section and toggle the on/off button for the IVR Required setting.

  1. When enabled, the Technician is then prompted before beginning work and before stopping work/leaving the site. Note: The Technician cannot proceed without acknowledging the IVR question. If they select "No" they will not be able to continue.

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