Model Types

Purpose of Model Types

Associate Model Types to Models

Purpose of Model Types

The purpose of Model Types is to streamline the classification process, distinguishing between various equipment categories such as forklifts, attachments, batteries, etc. Depending on the integration of your business system with Tinnacity and the specific system you use, Model Types will be synchronized from your business system to Tinnacity. The available Model Types include:

    • Forklift
    • Attachment
    • Battery
    • Charger
    • Dock/Door
    • Scissor Lift
    • Aerial
    • Vehicle
    • Other

Once Model Types are established, a default checklist can be automatically assigned to each type. This ensures that the appropriate checklist is applied to all models within that category. Failing to utilize Model Types requires manual assignment of checklists to individual models in the Admin/Models section, which can be time-intensive.

In the Admin/Model Types section, if your business system is integrated with Tinnacity, you will find the corresponding Model Types pre-populated. If not integrated, you can create a new Model Type by clicking the "+" sign.

Each Model Type must be linked to its respective checklist. To do so, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Locate and click the three dots next to the Model Type name and select Edit.

  2. Select the appropriate checklist, then click [Save]. NOTE: Continue Steps 1-2 until all Model Types have been assigned a checklist.

Associate Model Types to Models

The Model Type must be linked to the corresponding Model to ensure that the appropriate checklist and classification are applied accurately. Click here to learn more about Models.

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