Service History Changes

As part of the continued effort to improve the performance of the Service History page, we have made changes to the way the work orders are loaded and available filters.

Load More Button

At the bottom of the page, there is now a load more button rather than the standard paging buttons. When scrolling to the bottom of the list, users will have to click the Load More button which will load 25 additional work orders. Users can only load 25 work orders at a time.

The page count is no longer displaying at the bottom of the Service History page. If users need to load a large amount of work orders or to get the total count of work orders. We recommend using the export function which will send an email with a spreadsheet containing all of the work orders that match the applied filters.

Service History Filters

Changed Filters

Start and End Date - Date filters can now be cleared out or removed from the page

Work Order Number - Expanded to include work order number and original work order number.

New Filters

Description - Filter allowing users to search for work orders by description

Invoice Number - Filter for invoice number

PO Number - Filter for PO number

Search Filter - We highly recommend using the designated filters when narrowing work orders down. Please DO NOT use the search bar as a catch all filter for everything. There are now designated filters for every field the search utilizes to find work orders.

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