Broadcast Message/App Message via HQ

There are several ways an HQ user can communicate with a Technician or Driver within HQ. Two of these ways are via a Broadcast Message or Service App/Shipping App Message.

Broadcast Message

A great way to send a general message/announcement to Technicians/Drivers is via Broadcast Message. This could be used for announcements, reminders or a heads up on general information or used for messages like "Company Meeting Friday" or "Technician training Thursday in Main Conference Room." NOTE: Only HQ roles of Account Owner & Admin have access to Broadcast Messages.

To send a Broadcast Message, follow the steps below:

  1. HQ>Admin>Users

  1. In the top right portion of the Users screen, click on the Send Broadcast Message icon

  1. Next, you have the option to Send To Everyone (Technicians & Drivers) , Technicians or Drivers. Choose who to send the Broadcast Message to. You then have the option to add a Title which is optional. Add your message and click Save. NOTE: HQ users will not receive the broadcast message.

Once the message is sent, the Technician or Driver will receive a pop-up notification of the Broadcast Message. The notification can also be found in the notification section of the Service app or Ship iT app.

Service App
Ship iT app

Service App/Shipping App Message

An HQ user, with an Account Owner role, can add a message to the Service App or to the Ship iT app. This message will display at the top of the Home Screen in either app. These messages could be Safety quotes, Sales pushes, Company mottos, reminders, news, etc. NOTE: The message will display until changed or removed in HQ.

To add an App message, follow the steps below:

  1. HQ>click on your name>Company Settings

  1. In the left side menu, depending on which app you want the message to display, click on either Service Settings or Shipping Settings. NOTE: If your company does not utilize the Ship iT app, the Shipping Settings tab will not display.

Service Settings: scroll down to the App Message card and add the message, then click Save at the bottom of the screen.

The App Message will then display on the Home Screen of the Service app:

Shiping Settings: Add your message and click Save.

The App Message will then display on the Home Screen of the Ship iT app:

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