Equipment In & Out Date/Time Fields

Within HQ>Service>Dispatch, Equipment In and Out Date/Time fields can be added within the details screen of a work order. This can be used to track and schedule equipment with the shop or even for transport. NOTE: This is available only in HQ and can not be set in nor will it display in the Service app. TIP: Utilize the Equipment In and Out columns in Service>Dispatch & Service>History for any reporting metrics you may need to compile when downloading to a csv.

To add an Equipment In Date/Time:

  1. Search for the work order you want and click on the 3 dots menu>details

  1. Within the details screen of the work order>Equipment card>select the pencil icon to the right of Equipment In Date/Time

  1. Within the Update Equipment In Date/Time card>select the date & time>Save. TIP: Utilize one of the Quick Select options to quickly provide a date/time. If after selecting, you can still edit time if needed. NOTE: If manually adding the time, the format is hh:mm:ss with optional AM/PM
    • Quick Select options:
      1. Now: Present time
      2. This Morning: sets to 8:00 am
      3. This Afternoon: sets to 4:00 pm
      4. Yesterday Morning: sets to the previous day date and time of 8:00 am
      5. Yesterday Afternoon: sets to the previous day date and time of 4:00 pm
      6. Tomorrow Morning: sets to tomorrow's date and time of 8:00 am
      7. Tomorrow Afternoon: sets to tomorrow's date and time of 4:00 pm

To add an Equipment Out Date/Time:

  1. Select the pencil icon to the right of Equipment Out Date/Time

  • Within the Update Equipment Out Date/Time card>select the date & time>Save. TIP: Utilize one of the Quick Select options to quickly provide a date/time. If after selecting, you can still edit time if needed. NOTE: If manually adding the time, the format is hh:mm:ss with optional AM/PM
    • Quick Select options:
      1. Now: Present time
      2. This Morning: sets to 8:00 am
      3. This Afternoon: sets to 4:00 pm
      4. Yesterday Morning: sets to the previous day date and time of 8:00 am
      5. Yesterday Afternoon: sets to the previous day date and time of 4:00 pm
      6. Tomorrow Morning: sets to tomorrow's date and time of 8:00 am
      7. Tomorrow Afternoon: sets to tomorrow's date and time of 4:00 pm

Once these date/times are set, they will now display:

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