Using Multiple Devices

Technicians may naturally want to use multiple devices (tablet and phone) simultaneously. This is OK, but they must be INCREDIBLY careful and follow some basic rules. A good way to think about this to treat a Technician's time card like one piece of paper. Only one device should modify it. If two devices change the time card, there will be duplicate entries. Think of this like you handing the piece of paper around.

Points to Remember

  1. If a Technician logs onto a different device at any point, before initiating any changes, make sure the time card, on the current device being used matches what you are currently doing. If not, follow the Refresh Your Time Card instructions below.

  1. If a Technician changes the time card by: starting work, clocking out, traveling, or doing something else on one device, follow the Refresh Your Time Card instructions below. After refreshing the time card, the other device should now show the correct time card entry.

  1. If the Technician is taking pictures, adding parts, making comments, or anything else that does not affect the time card (or labor or travel), there won’t be any issues.

Refresh Your Time Card

  1. On the app Home Screen, select "Daily" located in the Time Card section.

  1. In the top right corner of the Daily Time Card screen, select the Refresh button. The list of entries will now be up-to-date. The current time card on the app’s Home screen should also be correct. NOTE: If either device is offline, the Technician will not be able to refresh the time card.

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