Rental Request

A Rental Request enables the technician to inform the [back-office] rental department that a customer wishes to rent one or more pieces of equipment. This serves as a notification for the rental department, which will then follow their existing rental procedures. All Rental Requests can be found in HQ in Service/Rental Requests.

Technicians can submit a rental request via the Service app and Back-Office can create a rental request within HQ.

From the Service App

Home Screen

A Rental Request can be made from the Home screen, in the Requests card by pressing the '+' sign and then press [RENTAL REQUEST].

Work Order Details

Or, while in the work order details press the three dots at the top, right corner then press 'Rental Request'.

Fill out the required information, add pictures (if applicable), and press [Submit].

From HQ

In HQ, go to Service/Rental Requests. Click the '+' sign at the top, right corner, and then fill out the required information and click [Save]. Once the request is created, attachments, assigned to, status, and notes can be added.

Similar to other request types in HQ, Rental Requests include 'Assigned To' and 'Status' fields, as well as the ability to communicate between the Back-Office and Technicians via the [Add Comment] feature. The Notes section is visible only to the Back-Office, allowing them to track actions taken, calls made, and other relevant details. This ensures all Back-Office staff have visibility into the progress of the request.

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