Timecards for Back-Office


For your back-office team, Tinnacity offers an easy-to-use timecard feature within HQ. Employees can quickly clock in/out, track their time against specific tasks, and manage breaks. The system automatically generates timecards based on these entries, accessible under Time Cards/Individual Time Cards.

Enable Time Card Tracking for HQ Users

Only persons with an 'Account Owner' role can enable time card tracking for HQ users in Company Settings.

  1. Click your name at the top right corner, then select 'Company Settings'.

  2. From the left panel, click 'Time Card Settings, then enable 'Time card tracking for HQ users. Click [Save].

  3. Once enabled, HQ users can begin using the timecard feature. To begin, click 'Clock Out'.

  4. Enter the details for the task you are working on, then click [Clock In].

  5. When you begin a new task, click the time clock, then enter the next task you are working on and click [Start Work].

  6. To clock out for lunch and/or end of day, click the time clock, then click [Clock Out]. Select the reason. If clocked out for lunch, upon return from lunch click the time clock begin working on next task. At the end of day, clock out for 'End of Day'.

  7. The system automatically generates timecards based on these entries, accessible under Time Cards/Individual Time Cards.

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