Labels in HQ (Web)

The Labels page is used to configure which labels are available for the technicians (and dispatchers) to use when working on work orders. If no labels are entered into this page, then the default list will be available. Once at least one label is entered, all of the defaults will be removed.

To access Labels:

  1. Within the Admin drop down menu select [Labels]:

  2. From here you can create, edit or delete Labels. To create press the [+] button in the upper right. To edit or delete a Label press the 3 dots next to the corresponding Label and select the action you wish to take (edit/delete):

NOTE: By default, label(s) applied WILL show on the customer review pdf if sent to the customer. You can disable the label(s) being visible to the customer in Company Settings, which only users with an Account Owner role can access.

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