Users Overview

Click the appropriate link to directly access the relevant topic within this article.

What is the purpose for creating users and technician accounts in HQ?

What roles are available to assign to a user?

How do I create a HQ account or a technician account?

How do I deactivate a user?

What is the best practice for changing a technician to an HQ user?

How do I give a user and/or a technician access to our HQ Sandbox?

How do I change companies to access our HQ Sandbox?

How do I enable/disable [email] notifications for a user?

How do I create an account for my customer to access the customer portal?

How do I resend an activation email?


The User page is where all of the user profiles are located and where users can create, edit, and delete the user accounts. Users can only see and create other users that have a role with less permissions than themselves. The roles follow this structure: Account Owner > Admin > User with Account Owner having the most permissions. 


There are seven available roles, only one role per user can be assigned. They are:

  • Account Owner - This gives access to everything including Company Settings and Tinnacity's billing.
  • Admin - This gives access to everything except Company Settings and Tinnacity's billing.
  • Customer - This pertains exclusively to those utilizing Tinnacity's Customer Portal. This role is designated for your dealership's customers, granting them access to log in to your personalized customer portal.
  • Driver - This pertains exclusively for the Shipping app, for drivers.
  • Technician - This pertains exclusively for the Service app, for your technicians.
  • Third-Party Driver - This pertains exclusively for the Shipping app, for your third-party drivers.
  • User - This access level is restricted solely to the Service and Reporting menus, by default. TIP: This role can be given access to view the Time Cards menu in HQ if permission is given within the User's HQ Details Screen>Time Card Access. Click the Edit icon & Toggle On View Mobile User Time Cards and/or View Web User Time Cards & click Save. NOTE: Only an HQ role of Account Owner can grant these permissions.

    • This role does not allow for privileges to access the Admin menu or make changes to Company Settings/Tinnacity's billing. Users with a 'User' role are unable to view individuals assigned an 'Admin' role. For instance, in the context of Part Requests, when a user with 'User' privileges checks the 'Assigned To' dropdown, they won't find any users designated with an 'Admin' role."

Create a user

NOTE: Users can only see the other users that are part of the same User Group as them. 

  1. To create a new user, go to Admin/Users and then click on the “+”  create button in the top, right corner
  2. The Role selection determines what type of user is being created and each role has a different series of fields to fill out.  Fill out the applicable fields, then click [Save]. NOTE:  If the user is to receive any of the Tinnacity email notifications an email address must be entered. TIP: Click here to learn more about User Groups.

IMPORTANT: For those who are integrated with Tinnacity, for Technicians, the Dispatch Reference number must match EXACTLY with the designated field in the integrated business system in order for the Service app to dispatch work orders to the technician.

When creating mobile users, we recommend following the same structure when creating usernames and passwords i.e. first initial, last name, and all lowercase: John Smith = jsmith. This will make it easier for technicians to remember.  NOTE: The assigned part location(s) allows the technician to add parts used to a work order. If a technician has no assigned part location or if the assigned part location has zero quantity of parts, they will be unable to add parts to work orders (the '+' icon next to Parts will not be visible).

  1. Once the User profile is created within the details screen of that profile, an HQ user can:

Utilize the Notes card to add any internal notes about this User that may be needed. Select Edit within the Notes card to add/edit/remove notes. NOTE: These are only viewable within HQ. Technicians & Customers will not see these notes.

For Technician roles: Technician Service Details, Technician Capability and Technician Notification Settings can be found within the details screen of a Technician. Service Details, Technician Capability & Notification settings can be edited by selecting the Edit button in the top right of the screen.

Activating an HQ account or Technician account

For HQ users, after the account is created they will receive a welcome email to their respective email address to activate their HQ account

IMPORTANT: Do not manually activate an HQ user's account, the welcome email will walk them through activating their account and setting up their password.

For Technician accounts, it is recommended that you manually activate their account and then give them the account number, their username and password. To activate their account, follow these steps:

  1. In Admin/Users locate the technician's account, then click the three vertical dots and select Activate.

Locating your HQ Account Number

To locate your Account Number, follow the below steps:

  1. Click your name at the top, right corner and select My Profile.

  2. The Account Number can be located here.

Deactivating Users

We recommend deactivating a technician's account if they are no longer with the company. By deactivating the account the technician will not be able to sign into the Service app and will no longer be found when trying to filter for work orders on the dispatch board or service history by their name; and they won't be available to view on any time card page.

We recommend completing your payroll and getting your administrative work in order before deactivating the tech so that you still have access to that information. NOTE: You will still have access to work orders the technicians completed, just won't be able to filter by the technician's name.  

NOTE: if you wanted to filter for that tech after they have been deactivated, you can activate them and do what you need to do, and then deactivate them again. We only bill for users that have been active for more than a single day. 

Technician Account to a HQ Account

When a technician transitions to a back-office role, it's advisable to deactivate their technician account and establish a new user profile in HQ. This ensures that work orders remain associated with the relevant technician user group(s) or branch, facilitating filtering by work order numbers. Deactivating the account also prevents the technician's name from appearing in the Technician filter. With this being said, we recommend you do the following:

  1. Deactivate the relevant Technician account. NOTE: If the technician account includes an email address, remove it as it will be required for the creation of the HQ account.
  2. Create a new HQ account for the relevant user, they will receive the 'Welcome to Tinnacity' email to activate their account.

Access to Additional Companies (i.e. Sandbox - HQ)

Tinnacity provides each customer a sandbox for their HQ that has base data from when you started with Tinnacity. The Sandbox's purpose is to allow your back-office to use for training / onboarding new hires. By default, your HQ sandbox is not connected to your business system nor your live HQ. To grant access to your sandbox, follow the below steps:

  1. In HQ, go to Admin/Users. Locate and select the respective account.

  2. In the Company section, click the + sign.

  3. From the Company dropdown, select the respective Sandbox company then click [Save].

Change Companies

To access the Sandbox, follow the below steps:

  1. At the top, right corner click your name then click Change Company.

  2. From the Company dropdown, select the respective company then click [Save]. TIP: A yellow bar at the top of the Tinnacity page indicates you are in a test environment for your HQ.

Enable/Disable [Email] Notifications

When specific events transpire within the system, email notifications are dispatched to users whose profiles have the corresponding notification option enabled. The type of notifications received is contingent upon the role assigned to each user.

To enable/disable a notification, follow the below steps:

  1. For Technicians: In HQ, go to Admin/Users. Search for the respective user's name, then click the three vertical dots and click [Edit]. Select the notifications desired and then click [Save].

  2. For HQ users: Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen, select [My Profile]. Navigate to the 'Notification Settings' section on the left side of the screen. Once within the Notification Settings screen, Enable/Disable the desired notification(s), then click [Save]. NOTE: Notification choices are broken down into groups: Requests, Service, Time Card & Other.

Customer Portal: Customer Accounts

For those who have Tinnacity's Customer Portal, your customer(s) will need a 'Customer' account in HQ Admin/Users. Following the above steps to create a user, use role 'Customer' and set their permission. Once the account is created, the customer will receive the 'Welcome to [Dealership name] customer portal' email, allowing them to activate their account. TIP: Notes can be added within HQ to a Customer account for internal purposes. These notes are only viewable by HQ users and your customers and technicians will not be able to view these notes.

Customer Admin - By activating the Customer Admin feature, your customer gains access to the 'Users' menu within the portal, allowing them to seamlessly create new user accounts with equivalent or lower permission levels as their own. It's important to note that users with approval capabilities limited to, for instance, $1,000, won't be able to set approval thresholds beyond their assigned limit. Additionally, they won't have the authority to extend access to other locations.

Sign Work Orders - Enabling Sign Work Orders grants the customer the authorization to sign and complete work orders that the technician has left in 'Customer Review'.

View open and active work orders - Enabling this option grants the customer the authorization to be able to view open and active work orders. This includes seeing, when applicable, parts added, work performed notes, travel and/or labor hours, attachments (if enabled). NOTE: In HQ, Company Settings/Customer Settings, you can choose what is visible to the customer (must have a role of an Account Owner to access).

View work order history - Enabling this option grants the customer the authorization to view all work orders history. This includes seeing, when applicable, parts added, work performed notes, travel and/or labor hours, attachments (if enabled).

View dealer-owned equipment - Enabling this option grants the customer authorization to view all equipment marked as 'Company Owned' in HQ that are assigned to their location(s).

Allow Quote Approval - Enabling this option grants the customer authorization to Approve/Deny quotes with a status of Needs Customer Approval in HQ/Quotes. If the quote amount is entered and is less than or equal to the approve quote amount (see below), the quote will include a Accept/Deny button within the quote details. NOTE: If disabled, they will only have access to view quotes.

Approve Quote Amount Limit - Setting this value grants the customer authorization to approve quotes with equal to or less than the dollar amount assigned to the quote request.

Quote Request in HQ will look like this.

In the Customer Portal, the customer will see this:

Send Activation Email


In Admin/Users locate and click the three dots, then click Send Activation Email.

Admin/Users/User Details

In Admin/Users, locate and select the relevant user name. While in the User Details screen, click the three dots then click Send Activation Email.

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