Pending Modifications (Mods)

A technician can continue using the Service app if it is offline. The device simply stores the data (information) locally on the device which are called Pending Modifiers or Mods. Once the device connects to a strong wifi or cell signal, the data is synced up. When any data does not show in HQ, that you believe should, the first question to ask is “Are there any pending mods on the device?”. There should be ZERO mods showing if all data has synced. If mods do exist, ensure the device is linked to a stable and strong wifi or cell signal and the App will clear the pending modifications automatically.

To check the status of any Pending Mods:

Step 1: From the Service app Home Screen, select the 3 lines in the top left

Step 2: Select the Having Issues? tab

Step 3: Within the Connection Status card, check the current status: whether the device is connected to wifi or a cell signal or not. If the status is NO, ensure the device connects to a strong wifi or cell signal

Step 4: Once the device is connected, within the Pending Modifications card, check if any of the fields display numbers other than zero. The app will automatically resolve any pending modifications as long as the device remains linked to a strong wifi or cell service signal. TIP: You can select the Refresh Icon in the top right while syncing the data, from time to time, to see the progress of the sync as Pending Mod numbers reduce to zero

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