“What are you doing now?” Prompts

Pop-ups are displayed throughout the app to help the Technician navigate actions within the app. When the Technician first arrives on the Home Screen, they will be asked to Clock In.

  1. Press [No] if you do not want to clock in
  2. Press [Yes] to clock in during regular business hours, or
  3. Press [After Hours] to clock in before/after regular business hours. Upon clocking in, the technician will be asked what are you doing next?

Upon clocking in, the technician will then be asked What are you doing now?

  1. Press [Work Order] which will take the Technician to their WIP screen
  2. Press [Clock Out] which will prompt the Technician to select End of Day, Lunch or Personal
  3. Press [Administrative] to choose from a list or non-billable work orders. i.e-tech training, shop clean up, etc.

Depending on which action is chosen above, the app direct the Technician to the next step in the process. Simply let the app know what to do.

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