Request a Part/Part Request Overview

Purchased a part, need a part, or used a part - use the Request Part feature. For purchased parts, we highly recommend when using the parts request to enter in the details needed and take a picture of the receipt. This allows the parts department to add the part from the back end and charge a price of their choice.    

To request a part(s), follow the below steps:

STEP 1: From Work Order Details, a part request can be requested from the Right Menu or within the Parts Card section. From the Right Menu: With the work order on display, click the three dots at the top, right corner then press Request a part? If using this process, skip to Step 3. From the Parts section: With the work order on display, press the plus (+) sign next to Parts.

STEP 2: Press [Request a part?].
STEP 3: Enter the part number, description and quantity. In the Comment section, add any additional useful information regarding the part request. Press [Submit].
TIP: If a technician does not know what the part number is, they can press [Add Picture] to take a picture of the broken part and send it with the request.

STEP 4:  In HQ, the part request is then sent to Service/Part Request. Here you can select the respective part request, then you can assign a parts person to the request, add a response and/or comment, set a flag status, etc. 

TIP: An email notification can be sent to selective recipients via Admin/Users. Locate the respective user’s name, click the three vertical dots and select Edit, then enable Parts Request Submittal.

STEP 5:  Locate the respective part request and click the three vertical dots, then select Details.
STEP 6: To assign a parts person, click the pencil icon next to Assign To. Select the respective person, then click [Save] or select [Assign to Me] to assign the request to yourself. 

BEST PRACTICE: The person being assigned is taking the lead on the part request.

STEP 7:  Set the Status field to keep your back-office and technicians udpated on the status of the request. To set a Flag Status, click the Flag icon and select the respective visual, color indicator.

BEST PRACTICE:  Flag Status allows for a company to have an internal process of what each flag color means and the current status of the request.

STEP 8: To add a response, click [Add Response]. Type the Response, then click [Save].
NOTE: The request must be assigned to someone before you can add a response. 
The technician will receive a notification on their tablet that a response has been received (see Step 10).
STEP 9: Use the Comment section to communicate with the technician with any questions, completion, etc. regarding the part request. To add a Comment, click [Add Comment].

STEP 10:  The Part Request Response / Comment notification is displayed to the technician.  They can choose to ignore or view the response. 
NOTE: If the technician is currently logged into a work order, they will be prompted "Stop Working".
TIP:  If they ignore the response, they can view it later in the Notifications section. 
STEP 11: By selecting View in the previous step, the Notifications screen is now on display. Select the respective Notification. 
The respective work order is now on display. To see the response details, click the three dots at the top, right corner.

STEP 12:  Click the Options icon next to Activity.

STEP 13:  To review the response, click the eye icon.
STEP 14:  The Parts Request Details is now on display.  You can view the Response and/or Comments here.  The technician can reply to the comment by clicking the plus (+) sign next to Comments. 
TIP: If the ‘Assigned To’ person is set up to receive part request submittal notifications, they will receive an email notification when a comment is added.

STEP 15:  By clicking the plus sign next to Comments, the Add Comment screen is now on display. Add the comment, then press [Save]. 
TIP: To add a picture, click [Add Picture]. The technician will be prompted to select take a photo or choose photo from library.
STEP 16:  In HQ, the part request is updated with the newly added comment.
STEP 17:  The Assigned To person and the technician can continue adding comments until all questions are answered and the part is ordered and received. 

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