Private Comment

Is a private comment visible to the customer?

How to I create and/or reply to a private comment within Tinnacity Service app?

How do I create a private comment in HQ?

How do reply to a private comment in HQ?

How do I set myself up to receive an email notification when a private comment has been added?


Private comments enables your technicians and back office staff to add remarks to the work order without them being visible to the customer. It also facilitates seamless communication as they can respond to these comments, with visibility restricted to only the technician and back office personnel.

Create/Reply to a Private Comment in Tinnacity's Service App

  1. To create a "Private Comment" within the work order, press the 3 dots in the top right corner and then press 'Private comment'.

  2. Press [Add].

  3. Enter the comment, then press [Save].

  4. The technician will receive a 'New Private Comment...' notification when a comment has been replied to from the back office. Press [View]. NOTE: The Private Comment Notification is automatically enabled for technicians and cannot be disabled.

  5. They are then redirected to the Notifications section. Press the respective notification.

  6. They are now in the respective work order details screen, press the three dots at the top right corner then select 'Private Comment'. The Private Comment screen is now visible, displaying the comment that was added by the back office.

Create/Reply to a Private Comment in Tinnacity's HQ

The private comment is viewable in HQ within the work order details screen.

Reply to a Private Comment

  1. Go into the work order details screen, scroll to the bottom then select the 'Activity' tab. You can Reply, Edit the reply, Transfer the reply to another work order, or Delete the reply. Click [Reply].

  2. Enter the comment, then click [Save].

Create a Private Comment

  1. Go into the work order details screen, scroll to the bottom then select the 'Activity' tab. Click [Add] then select 'Comment'.

  2. Confirm Comment Type is 'Private Comment', enter your comment, and then click [Save].

HQ User Private Comment Notifications

The back office team can sign up to receive a Private Comment Notification within their 'Profile'. NOTE: The Private Comment Notification is automatically enabled for technicians in the Service app and cannot be disabled.

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