Assign a QR Code

Before you begin, it is highly recommended that you read the Tinnacity Scan Overview document. Click here to read the Tinnacity Scan Overview document.

To Assign a QR Code to a piece of equipment, follow the below steps:

  1. Before you can log into the Tinnacity Scan app you must be logged into Tinnacity's HQ with the respective account then log into the Tinnacity Scan app.

  2. From the side menu, press QR Assign, then press [Tap to Scan QR Code].

  3. Place the camera over the QR Code to scan

  4. To select the location that the equipment resides in, press the pencil icon next to Location.

  5. You can either select a location from the populated list or you can search for it.  Locate and select the respective location, then press [Select].

  6. Locate and select the equipment's serial number, then press [Select].

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