Tinnacity Scan app Overview

The Tinnacity Scan app is available to download via the Google Play or the Apple App Store. The Tinnacity Scan app is specifically for back-office staff to help assist in managing fleet inventory and complete some actions via the QR codes. Technicians can also assign QR codes via the Service app. Click here to learn more on how technicians can do this within the Service app. NOTE: Before an HQ user can log into the Tinnacity Scan app you must first have access to HQ and be logged into Tinnacity's HQ site as the same person who is going to log into the app.

This app allows a user to:

  • Assign a QR Code
  • Perform an inventory check for equipment at a specific location by scanning the QR Code
  • Check In Equipment
  • View Equipment Details
  • Move equipment from one location to another
  • Manually mark as seen (if a QR Code is not assigned to a piece of equipment)
  • Submit a request that the equipment cannot be found at the specific location.

TIP: Click here to learn more

HQ User Login for Tinnacity Scan

  1. Enter the same email used to log into HQ
  2. Enter the same password used to log into HQ
  3. Select Log In

How to tell if Equipment has a QR Code assigned to it in HQ

Within HQ>Admin>Equipment

  1. Select the Manage Columns icon in the top right of the Equipment screen

  1. Locate and enable the QR Code column. TIP: Click on the 3 lines next to the column selection to drag up or down for order of information that displays within the table

  1. Click on the ascend/descend arrow next to QR Code. There will be a QR Code icon displayed if the piece of equipment as a QR Code assigned

Additionally, when in the details screen of a piece of equipment, if a QR Code is assigned, it will show in the QR Code field located in the Details Card

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