Quotes - HQ (web)

The Quotes page allows you to search and find quote requests from the technicians, as well as allows your back-office to create a quote request. You can navigate to this page via HQ>Service>Quotes. Once there, you can search using the respective filter(s). Multiple filters can be applied at one time. Once you have found the request that you are looking for, you can view the "Details" by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the request and then click on "Details" in the drop down.

To create a quote request in HQ

How do I set the quote dollar amount for the customer to approve?

How do I create a work order from a quote?

How do I link a work order from a quote?

How do I unlink a work order from a quote?

How do I efficiently update the statuses and assignments of multiple requests simultaneously?

What are the best practices for customer portal?

To create a Quote Request in HQ

  1. In HQ>Service>Quotes: click the '+' sign.

TIP: Integrated customers can link Quotes Requests using the field in your business system that is associated with the ref field in Tinnacity. This is the same field used to automatically synchronize work orders. For Quotes Requests, use the prefix TQ followed by the quote request number. For example: TQ123

Various information that can be viewed/added/edited to a Quote

  • Priority Status: A priority status can be added to a Quotes Request in the Status card. These priorities can initially be supplied by the technician within the Service app and then changed in HQ. This can help the Back Office prioritize requests.
  • Parts: Technicians can include the parts needed to do the quoted job. Parts can also be added to the Quote by Back Office personnel. Any added parts will display in the Parts card.
  • Labor Hours: Technicians can specify the estimated number of hours required for the quoted job. These can be edited within the Details card of the Quote.
  • Technicians Needed: Technicians can specify the estimated number of technicians needed to complete the quoted work. These can then be edited within the Details card of the Quote.
  • Additional Equipment: Technicians can list any extra tools or equipment required for the job.

TIP: The equipment serial number is hyperlinked to the equipment's details page. By clicking this link, an HQ user will be directed to the equipment's detail page. This allows for easy navigation to view PM programs, open work orders, service history, attachments and any notes or comments on the piece of equipment.

Quote Dollar Amount

If you're utilizing Tinnacity's Customer Portal, you can choose to incorporate the dollar amount of the quote for the customer's approval directly within the portal. Please note that for this functionality to work seamlessly, the customer's user permissions must grant them the authority to approve quotes. Additionally, if a 'Quote Amount Approval Limit' has been configured, they'll only be able to approve quotes equal to or less than their set limit. As well as the Quote Status must be set to 'Customer Approval Needed'.

  1. In HQ>Service>Quotes: Locate and select the relevant Quote ID.
  2. Click the pencil icon next to Quote Amount, enter the amount.
  3. Then click the pencil icon next to Status, update to Customer Approval Needed.

  1. The customer can then approve/deny the quote in their customer portal.

Create a Work order from a Quote

Once a quote has been approved, you can create a work order directly from the quote's details. NOTE: If you are integrated with a business system, you should create the work order in your business system then link the respective work order.

To create a work order, follow the below steps:

  1. In HQ>Service>Quotes: Locate and select the respective Quote ID number.

  2. In the Status card, click [Create Work Order].

  1. The 'Create Work Order' screen is now on display. The Work Order Number, Bill To Customer, Location, Work Order Type, and Equipment fields are auto populated using the data from the quote. Enter the problem description, select the technician(s), then click [Save].

Once a quote has been approved and a work order has been created for the work from the quote, you can link the respective work order to the quote to 'tie' the two together. This will allow you to monitor from start to finish, when the quote was requested, to the work order being created, the work being done and the work order getting completed.

To link a work order, follow the below steps:

  1. In HQ>Service>Quotes: Locate and select the respective Quote ID number.

  2. In the Status card, click [Link Work Order].

  3. From the Work Order Number dropdown, select the respective work order number then click [Save].

Removing linked Work Orders from a quote:

If the user would like to remove a linked work order from a quote, follow the steps below.

  1. In HQ>Service>Quotes: select the quote you'd like to unlink a work order from.
  2. In the details screen within the Status card, the associated (linked) work order is displayed, simply click the red X. You will be prompted whether to unlink: select Yes or No.

Update Statuses and Assignments of multiple requests simultaneously

Using the 'Select Multiple Rows' feature, you have the ability to efficiently update the statuses and assignments of multiple requests simultaneously.

  1. While in the respective request type, use the respective filters to filter out the requests you wish to update the assigned to or the status (i.e., start and end dates, status of 'Pending', etc.).

  2. Click the 'Select multiple rows' icon at the top, right corner and then select the respective entries to update. TIP: Click the checkbox next to ID to select all on the current page. To update 100 at a time, change the number per page.

  3. Depending on the update you wish to do, click Update Status or ChangeAssigned To.

  4. Depending on the update option chose, either select the respective Status or the Assigned To name and click [Save].

For Customers using Tinnacity's Customer Portal

To help streamline quotes for your customers using the customer portal, the best practice is to take ownership, upload a PDF of the quote, set the 'Status' to Customer Approval Needed, and then add a comment stating to see the attached quote and to approve/deny.

Setting the status to 'Customer Approval Needed' activates the Approve/Deny button for the customer, giving them direct control over the quote's approval.

To ensure they see the quote and stay informed, be sure to:

  • Upload the quote document. Customers can access and review it within Tinnacity.
  • Add a comment to the quote. This triggers an email notification to the customer, keeping them in the loop and prompting them to take action.

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