Work Orders Details-Service app

The work orders are divided up into cards and are set up very similarly to HQ. Each card pertains to a specific part of the work order. 

Customer/Location Notes

When first opening a work order, the Customer/Location Notes (if applicable) will automatically display to the technician. Once these have been viewed by the technician, the customer/location notes will not automatically display to the technician. TIP:  To view the Customer/Location notes, press the [Notes] button. NOTE: Tinnacity Service v2.68.0, in the Location Card Tinnacity chose to change the color of the [Notes] button to blue instead of red, as blue better represents 'information' rather than red, which typically indicates an error or warning.

Which action Prompt?

Once the technician opens the work orders, acknowledges the Customer/Location Notes (if applicable), they will be prompted "Which action?" View, Work, or Travel. This is part of the series of prompts to help the technician move through the stages of the work order. If the technician selects view, unless they are clocking labor or travel on another work order, they will be put into 'Standby' (non-billable time). Simply tell the app what you are doing, are you traveling or working.  For training purposes, TRAVEL was selected in this instance.

In the Status card, you can see Status reads 'Traveling', travel time is now being accumulated to the active work order. To begin tracking labor, press [Play].

Work Order Requirements

Depending on the work order type settings in HQ, there may be a maximum of four required actions, indicated in yellow (or orange if light theme), that the technician must complete before they can complete the work order. NOTE: These requirement are configured based on the Work Order Type, which can be set in HQ>Admin/Work Order Types>select the type and click Edit. They are:

A. Checklist

B. Hour Meter

C. Work Performed Notes (three dots)

D. Attachments

Location Card

If the (A) location address is underlined, tapping the address opens Google Maps (or the default map) with directions. If the (B) [Notes] button is blue, specific information regarding the customer and/or location that the technician needs to be made aware of are available. The (C) pencil icon indicates that this field is editable by the technician. Click here to learn more about Customer and Location Notes.

The [View Details] allows the technician to view details of the location, to view all open work orders for this location with the ability to request assignment of work order(s). As well as to request/create a work order (depending on their level permissions), to request a quote, and to submit a sales lead. Click here to learn more on viewing and requesting open work orders.

Equipment Card

The equipment card displays the equipment's serial number, customer unit number, internal unit number, make, model and hour meter. When applicable, the hour meter may be required.

(A) The [View Details] button displays the notes as well as additional information such as equipment specification, attachments, allows the technician to view open work orders and request assignment, view work order history. Attachments including .png/jpeg, and PDF documents can be uploaded by both the back-office and technicians. URL links can only be uploaded by the back-office in Admin>Equipment>Equipment Details.

(B) If [Notes] is in blue, this indicates there is important information that the technician needs to be made aware of. Press [Notes] to view these notes. TIP: Equipment notes can be added by pressing either the [View Details] or [Notes] buttons in the Equipment card.

(C) Checklist, depending the configured Company Settings, when answering questions with a response other than [OK], the technician may be required to provide a comment as to why the question was not answered okay. The checklist button will remain yellow until all questions and required comments have been answered. Press [Checklist] to begin. NOTE: Technicians can attach a photo to each checklist question, which is useful for questions marked as other than 'OK'. Images remain hidden from customers, but if needed, they can be accessed and shared by the back-office through HQ Work Order Details screen under checklist.

(D) A green tag next to the serial number represents that the equipment is owned by your dealership. NOTE: It is marked as 'Company Owned' in HQ Admin>Equipment>Equipment Details.

(E) Meter, tap the pencil icon to enter the hour meter of the unit. If no hour meter, press N/A. TIP: If the hour meter field needs to be a lower value, toggle the 'Replace Meter' switch.

(F) Update Equipment, tap the pencil icon next the 'Equipment' to mark the unit as operational or not operational or to change the assigned equipment. NOTE: Equipment cannot be changed for work orders with a type 'Maintenance' - technician must contact the back-office to change.

NOTE: The pencil icon indicates that this field is editable by the technician.

Click here to learn more about viewing and requesting open work orders.

Click here to learn more about equipment notes and attachments/URL links.

Status Card

The status card displays what type of work order (i.e., Service, Maintenance, Warranty, etc.), the Status the work order is currently in (i.e. Traveling, Working, Paused, etc.), Due Date (if set), Schedule Date (if set), Priority (if set) and Estimated Completion Date (back office and technicians can modify this date), and the current allotted time towards the selected action. Click here to learn how to sort open work orders by priority, schedule date, etc.

Description Card

The description card displays the work order's description.

The labels section allows the technician to add labels to help better describe the cause of the repair (i.e. damage, operator error, abuse, etc.). Labels can only be created in HQ.

Parts Card

The parts card allows the technician to add parts used (pulled from their van or purchased parts) or to request a part. To add a part(s), click the + sign. NOTE: Click here to learn more about adding parts. Click here to learn about requesting a part.

Attachments Card

The attachment card allows the technician to add pictures that are relevant to the work order. Press the Camera icon to take a photo. NOTE: If in HQ>Company Settings>Technician Capability the feature 'Add photos from the photo library' is disabled, technicians will not be able to access their photo library via the Service app and will be required to take each picture. NOTE: If the work order type has a set # of pictures that are required, the technician must include at least # of pictures. To delete an attachment, tap on the relevant one then delete. TIP: The back office can also upload attachments to the work order via HQ.

Click here to learn more.

Work Performed Notes

Work Performed can be added by the technician(s) and depending on the work order type settings, they may be required. To add work the work performed notes, click the three dots at top, right corner then select Work Performed. One to many notes can be added and are date/time stamped at the time of creation with the technician's name to help tell the 'story' of what was done when and by whom. TIP: Technicians can view, edit, and/or delete already added work performed notes that they have added by going into 'Activity' within the three dots.

TIP: Work orders can be refreshed to get the most up to date information on the tablet, to refresh the work order, tap on the “Refresh’ button in the top, right corner.

Once the required fields have been added and the repair/PM is completed, the Technician Review can be completed. NOTE:  Upon completion of the technician review, the tech is automatically taken into the Customer Review, which consists of three options:

    1. Sign Now - This option directs technicians straight to the customer review screen, facilitating on-the-spot customer signature.
    2. Sign Later - Opting for this choice transitions the work order into customer review status. This flexibility enables subsequent signature capture at a convenient time, streamlining the process for 'bulk signing' multiple work orders if necessary.
    3. Cannot Get Signature - This option leaves the work order in Customer Review, prompting the back-office that they could not get a signature and is needed.
    4. Sign as Me - This avenue allows technicians to finalize the work order without necessitating a signature. The signature on the completed work order will prominently feature the name of the logged-in technician's first and last name. NOTE: If the Customer's setting is set to 'Require Signature', this option will not be visible to the technician.

TIP: Technicians can do a batch signature of work orders, one signature for all work orders completed.  Click here to learn more. 

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