Equipment Operational or Non-Operational-Service app

There may be times when a Technician needs to change the operational status of a piece of equipment from Operational to Non-Operational or vice versa which can be done within the Service app. Click here for more information on how to change this status in HQ. NOTE: By default all equipment is designated as Operational until changed to Non-Operational. If the equipment is operational, the Edit icon within the Equipment card of the Work Order Details screen will be WHITE. If the equipment is designated as Non-Operational, the Edit icon will be RED.

To change the status from Operational to Non-Operational within the Service app, follow the steps below:

  1. Within the Work Order Details screen, click on the Edit icon found in the Equipment card.

  1. A popup message to Update Equipment will display. Select Mark As Not Operational.

  1. The Service app will ask the Technician if they are sure they want to mark the equipment as not operational. Select Yes to continue or No to go back.

The equipment is now designated as Non-Operational and the Edit icon is now RED. TIP: To change equipment from Non-Operational to Operational, follow the same steps mentioned above and mark equipment as Operational.

If a piece of equipment stays designated as Non-Operational when moving to Technician Review, within that screen, the Service app will highlight this and ask the Technician if they would like to continue without marking the equipment as operational. Selecting Keep as Not Operational will allow the Technician to finish Technician Review and continue on to Customer Review. Selecting Mark as Operational will prompt "are you sure" and allow the Technician to change to Operational by selecting Yes. The Technician can then complete Technician Review and move onto Customer Review.

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