Company Settings-HQ

Within HQ>Company Settings there are several different options available to configure like: Customer Settings, Service Settings (Work Order settings, Quote settings, Technician Capabilities, App settings, App Message & After Hour setting), Shipping settings (if Company uses the Shipping app) & Time Card Settings. NOTE: Only an HQ user with the role of Account Owner can view & manage these settings.

To view and/or edit these settings, navigate HQ>click on your name in the upper right corner>select Company Settings

Once within the Company Settings screen, there are different settings to choose from via the left side menu. Select the one you want to view/edit to see all options within that setting's screen. NOTE: If any edits/changes are made in a respective screen, you must select Save at the bottom of each screen in order to save any changes.

Company Details & Branches

A. Company Details screen: View/manage basic details of your company like address, phone, website URL or company logo.

B. Branches: If your company has Branch locations, within the Branches screen you can create Branch locations. To create a Branch select the Create button, add all information and select Save. TIP: Once a branch is created you can view details or edit by selecting the 3 dots to the right of the branch. NOTE: Create branches if your company has multiple servicing locations AND wants work order PDF files to contain details from branch rather than your company. This includes alias, address, logo, and website. Your customer's locations need to have the servicing branch assigned.

Customer Settings

Within this screen, you can manage (Toggle ON or Off) things like Billing Settings: Customer Terms & Payment Terms, Permissions of what your customers can or can not see on a completed work order pdf. NOTE: Some of the Permissions setting will only work if you utilize Tinnacity's Customer Portal. You can add a Customer Message-For emails that get sent to your customers, for example, work order complete, the customer marketing message will be added to the email. Once done, select Save. Click here to learn more about Payment Terms. TIP: Hover over the blue question marks, where available, to see a brief description of what the setting means.

Service Settings

Within this screen, you can manage the following settings that apply to the Service app:

A. Work Order settings: Whether to require a contact for a work order or complete a work order that has a part back ordered part on it

B. Quote Settings: Whether to require a contact for a quote & set how many days valid a quote should be.

C. Technician Capability: There are several different settings here to choose from you can allow or not allow a technician the ability to perform within the Service app:

  1. Scan equipment QR codes: If QR codes are utilized, this setting can be enabled to allow the Technicians the ability to scan equipment that has a QR code.
  2. Whether or not to allow a Technician the ability to create work orders themselves from the WIP
  3. Whether or not to allow a Technician the ability to create for any customer
  4. Edit the schedule date on a work order
  5. Checklist Bulk Actions-whether to allow a technician to bulk answer Groups of questions
  6. Checklist Group Bulk Actions-whether or not to require a technician to answer each checklist question individually. NOTE: Only if toggled OFF & requires Service App version: 2.70 or newer
  7. Require comments on Checklist questions when answer is not OK (Adjustment Needed, Repair/Replace & Urgent). If toggled ON, the technician will not be able to move onto Technician Review if the comment(s) haven't been entered.
  8. Travel Home (not applied to a work order)
  9. Edit travel time on a work order
  10. Edit labor time on a work order
  11. Add a part that is not found. If enabled, this allows the Technician to select "Part Not Found" when adding parts to a work order. They will then enter all part information manually.
  12. Apply back end travel to a work order
  13. Hide work orders with checklist issues when batch signing. When this setting is toggled ON, technicians will be unable to select work orders with identified issues for batch signing in the Customer Review section of the Service app. Instead, they must review and sign these work orders individually with the customer. Enabling this feature encourages a thorough review of issues, potentially aiding in upselling services as technicians discuss their findings before obtaining a signature. Click here to learn more about Batch Signing
  14. Labor Minutes to Require Work Performed can be added. This is the minimum number of labor minutes required to enter in work performed comments on a work order. This will not allow the technician to start anything else until they put in the work performed comment. Set to blank to not require. Recommendation to set is 15 minutes. NOTE: Requires Service app version 2.66.1 or higher
      1. If a minute requirement is set and the technician has not entered work performed comments by the time set, this will trigger the app to show a message to enter work performed comments when: they transition from Working on that work order, if work performed comments are required on that work order or if no work performed comments have been made for that day

D. App Message: If set, this will appear at the top of the Service app Home Screen. Click here to learn more.

E. After Hour Settings: If toggled ON, this will track After Hours for Work Order and Time Card Tracking

Time Card Settings

Within this screen, you can manage various Time Card settings:

  1. Track time cards for HQ users
  2. Require Signature on Time Card Submit
  3. Track time card changes with Geo Position (GPS)
  4. Set the start of the week
  5. Enter Commute GIVE Time (in minutes). This is the number of minutes (one-way) a person should give to the company (unpaid usually)before the company starts to pay for the commute time.

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