Batch Work Order Signing

If the technician is working on multiple work orders at a single location, they can have the customer sign multiple (batch signature) work orders at one time. To do this, simply move all of the work orders to be signed into Customer Review. On the last work order, a list of work orders will appear above the signature box where the technician can check all of the work orders that need to be signed. When the customer signs, the signature, name, and email will be applied to all emails and they will all be completed

  1. To do this, simply move each work order to Customer Review by completing the Technician Review, upon entry of Customer Review, press the Back [<] arrow at the top, left corner.
  2. Continue Step 1 until all WOs for the respective location have been completed.  When the tech has completed the last WO for the respective location, while in the Customer Review select the work order(s) in which the customer should perform the 'batch signature'.  NOTE: The customer is signing for the last WO (current one the technician was working on) and the selected work order(s).

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