User Devices

By navigating HQ>Admin>User Devices: An HQ user can see information about the device(s) technicians are using. This screen can be very helpful when trying to troubleshoot a technician's device. For example, if the device is not allowing photos to be taken, this screen can help an HQ User see if those permissions are denied on the device itself. NOTE: It is crucial to keep apps up-to-date for the latest enhancements and fixes. Click here to see how a technician can view device permission settings inside the Service app.

IMPORTANT: If a Technician ever needs to use multiple devices, please click here to learn more on this process and how to avoid potential issues.

TIP: Enable columns like: App Version, Geo Permissions Denied, Push Notifications Denied, Camera Denied, Photos Denied to help troubleshoot potential issues that may arise relating to those device settings. If a permission is denied, it will display YES in red.

How to find out what the latest version of an app is

  1. Click on your name in the top right corner of HQ & select What's New.

  1. Change the Product dropdown to Service Technician (Mobile App). The latest version will be at the top of the list.

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