
The Equipment screen in HQ provides a list of all Equipment within HQ. A user has many filter options and column options to help narrow down the list of Equipment displayed. To view the details of a piece of equipment, select the 3 dots to the right and then select Details.

Equipment Details

After selecting a piece of Equipment to view the details, the Equipment Details screen displays and the following information is shown about the equipment in various cards:

1) Details Card: The [ship to] location, serial number, make, model, if equipment has an active warranty status and if the equipment is active or not, if equipment has an assigned QR Code, etc. NOTE: You have the option to deactivate equipment rather than deleting it, allowing you to preserve the service history. When marked as inactive, the equipment will no longer appear in the customer portal's Equipment List. TIP: The HQ user can utilize the links for Make and Model to quickly access details of the Make or Model from the Details card.

2) Equipment Maintenance Programs Card: Assigned Equipment PM Program.

3) Open Work Orders Card: View and access the work order details of all open work orders by clicking the work order number highlighted in green.

4) Specifications Card: Specifications for the equipment can be added here and also viewed by the technician in the Service app. Power Type, Capcity, Weight, Lift Height, Collapsed Height, Attachment, For Length & Mast. NOTE: There are several power types available to choose from in the dropdown menu.

5) Notes Card: Equipment notes such as "this piece of equipment has a special attachment" or "takes a special filter". NOTE: These notes are viewable in the Service app and the technician can modify them.

6) Attachments Card: Attachments for the Equipment, such as PDFs and images as well as URL links can be added via HQ and viewed by the technician in the app. NOTE: Technicians can add photos and files within the Service app as well. (Example shown at bottom of article)

7) Model Attachments: Attachments for the Model associated with the Equipment, such as PDFs and images as well as URL links can be added via HQ and viewed by the technician in the app. NOTE: Technicians can NOT add any attachments to Models within the Service app. Click here to learn more on how to add Model attachments in HQ.

8) Service History Card: View and access all closed work orders for the respective equipment.

9) Equipment Non-Operational Card: allows an HQ user to mark a piece of equipment as non-operational and this will also show in the Service app on any Work Orders this piece of equipment may be assigned to. Click here to learn more on how to change the operational status of a piece of equipment.

Equipment Notes and Attachments (either for the Equipment, Model or both) are viewable in the Service app via the work order details screen, press [View Details] in the equipment card. Click here for more information.

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